Impression for VCORE Tour from Korea

YONEX's VCORE Tour racquet has the new technology MICRO CORE, which produces a heavy and aggressive bounce. Compared with conventional racquet, the ball speed after bounce is 20cm / 0.1s faster with MICRO CORE (as tested by YONEX). Because the VCORE Tour racquet has more face stability, you are able to transfer the power more efficiently. A lot of YONEX users have already tried the VCORE Tour and felt the cutting-edge technology. Please check out their impressions from our website.

Name: YoungHoon Lee
Age: 21
Occupation: Tennis Coach
Belong to: Baebong elementary school
Racquet: VCORE Tour 97
gThin frame structure makes better swing speed so that I could hit the ball quickly. I could achieve precise control at impact. I feel it is a little short of repulsion but I think this racquet has good design and great racquet."

Name: JinSeung Sun
Age: 39
Belong to: Korea Amateur Tennis Organization Ranking No. 1
Racquet: VCORE Tour 97
gI feel VCORE Tour 97 is better power than conventional racquet. I could adapt quickly due to the YONEX unique and comfortable grip style. This racquet has not only power but also spin so that I could expect more aggressive play. Since it also delivers ball weight properly at volley and smash, this racquet is very nice for me. And I think the bright red cosmetic looks nice and design of the VCORE Tour goes well with the YONEXfs unique frame shape, ISOMETRIC."

Name: HyunSeung Kim
Age: 33
Occupation: Tennis Coach
Belong to: Dobong-Gu Office
Racquet: VCORE Tour 97
gThin frame structure makes better control and powerful hitting. Racquet handling is very comfortable so that I could field the higher ball very well. It is available to hit heavy strokes easily and has great repulsion."
