Terms & Conditions
This website (www.yonex.com/us, hereafter referred to as the ‘Website’) provides the following information for our customers regarding the Website, our products and services:
Copyright Information
The Company (Yonex USA) or the original author is the owner of copyright on all texts, photography, video, music, audio and other works (collectively, the ‘Content’).
Except for personal use as permitted by copyright law, the printing, downloading or other acts of reproduction, public transmission, modification, translation, etc. without prior authorization from the copyright owners (the Company and/or the original author of the content) is prohibited by copyright law.
Users must contact the Company beforehand to seek license for reproduction of any content. If use is deemed inappropriate by the Company, permission may be refused or withdrawn.
Trademarks, etc.
Trademarks are posted on the Website and various logos.
Trade name rights belong to the Company or the respective owner.
Users must contact the Company in advance to obtain a license for use of trademarks, unless their use is permitted by law.
Liability Disclaimer
The Company makes no assurances as to the accuracy or validity of the Website content and any other information provided (hereafter collectively called ‘Content’). The Company accepts no responsibility for damages incurred as a result of the Content.
Configuration of the Website, the terms of use, URLs and the Content may change without notice.
The Website may be suspended or discontinued without notice.
Web Links
If you wish to provide a link to the www.yonex.com/us Website from a third-party website, please contact the Company in advance to obtain permission.
Links from third-party sites must adhere to the following rules:
Link must be to the home page only (www.yonex.com/us).
Sites linked to the Website must not run contrary to public order and morals or be engaged in subverting the laws of the land.
You will be asked to remove the link to the Website if judged inappropriate by the site administrator, or if engaged in misleading users.
You may not link any data capture elements of the Website to another website.
You must not engage in any acts detrimental to the reliability of the Website.
The Company may revoke any permission to link to the Website at any time.
Governing Law
All aspects of the Website not specifically referred to above will be deemed to conform to the laws of the United States of America.
Inquiries Regarding the Website
Please contact the Company concerning the Website or links from these pages.